How things are shaping up

May 18th, 2015

Hey guys. I haven’t written in a bit because I’ve been working on game-play and AI and its difficult to show progress on those things within the format of this blog. I got to spend a little time on modeling this past weekend though so I thought I’d spin up a quick image post.

I’ve learned a lot about blocking out things first and getting them into game as quickly as possible from a post I read on the Unreal Tournament site. The following images are buildings I’ve modeled out and brought into the game unfinished just to see how sizing readability and other things are working. These are a very rough first pass at each of these buildings. They are completely un-textured and are missing most of the detail that they will eventually have.


This first building is supposed to a simple home type building. I’m glad I got it into game so quickly. Immediately I can tell that the main room with the door need to be deeper. It feels really shallow.  Even with that though it feels like it takes up too much real estate. The building is also just not that great to look at, but I guess I have to start some place.

HighresScreenshot00008 HighresScreenshot00007Next is the fast food restaurant. I based this off the very first McDonald’s restaurant. I threw a burger on the roof so that it’s readable as a burger joint just by its silhouette.  It’s got a way to go but I kinda like where this one is headed. Thinking of replacing the burger with a more anthropomorphic version eventually and maybe add some sort of sign, but for now this will do.

HighresScreenshot00010 HighresScreenshot00009This last building is my favorite so far. It’s supposed to be a small shop or drug store.  I allowed myself to have more fun with this one. It didn’t need to be as rigid as the others and I think it’s better for that. I got rid of all the parallel lines to give it a real Tim Burton-esque feel. I feel like this stylized approach is definitely the direction I’m going to start heading in with the rest of the buildings.

HighresScreenshot00004 HighresScreenshot00006Anyways that all I have for now.  Feel free to comment below and let me know what you guys think.




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